Choo Choo Charles Game.

Choo choo charles

Choo Choo Charles Game is a story about a monstrous ancient being who has been terrorizing old lost civilizations, who has the ability to fuse with other items to become deadlier. This entity has been sealed off in collapsed caverns long ago, until very recently, when a greedy minor by the name of Warren Charles arrives in the island, intending to excavate and extract its resources, hiding the discovery of Charles so that he can benefit from the value of these dangerous resources.

Beginnings of  Choo Choo Game Story

Eugene Main Character

Eugene, being in mainland, is speaking to someone on a public phone convincing him to come to his island called Aronaram, where a monstrous trained spider known as Charles bromes and torments its residence. The person on the phone has an archive s who is looking for the next big thing to keep their museum up and running, which seems to be on the brink of closure.

(Apart from story Eugene is the main Character of choo choo charles game who beat charles in the past)

After meeting at the Ducks, Eugene takes the protagonist to the island, where he explains that his friends, alongside his son are trapped in this island, people who have been working hard in order to battle this demonic entity and defeat it. Arriving at the island, Eugene explains how a train operator was killed by Charles not too long ago, providing an opportunity for the brave newcomer to use his train in order to fast travel between each location within this cursed island. 

As Eugene tries to get to another location, he's seen sprinting with all of his might, depicting how no one is safe within this island. With Charles potentially lurking in any corner of the land, posing a high risk to make the shortest traps and this place reaching the train shed, Eugene inspects the train and gets on it with the archive east in order to take it for a test ride, when unexpectedly, Charles attacks them. With Eugene falling off and being brutally battered by it, slowly losing his life, taking his last breath.

Choo Choo Charles Game Eugene Said.

Eugene Choo Choo Charles
“This isn't how things were supposed to end. I thought we could still fight like the old baby. Yes sir. Easy in, easy out. You'll do more I thought. But I don't have time to explain but find the eggs and find my son”
Just as Eugene is about to die, he mentions how the protagonist needs more time to get ready and instructs him to find his son and mysterious items that he refers to as eggs. With not much information at hand, the archivist gets in the train and explores the island in order to meet more people and find out how to take down this horrifying demonic entity.

Throughout the map:-

The protagonist can come across many helpful NPCs who assess the protagonist as they have heard from Eugene. He's the archivist who is here to hunt their monster for them. On the other hand, some other NPCs task the protagonist with some errands won't return. Pay him with scrap parts which can be used in replenishing the train's health, upgrading it by fortifying its armor, increasing its weapon damage and speed.

The protagonist can also obtain four weapons after completing some mission’s one being a Tourette gun called Detailer the rocket launcher called the Boomer the armor person known as Bob which has a very interesting story behind it and the flamethrower known as Buck Spray.

Darrell (Choo Choo Charles Character)

Meeting one of the island locals called Darrell he explains how one of Warren's goons dropped a locked case in his backyard some time ago. Through meeting more people and reading scattered letters, we learned Warren as the mine owner of the island who invested in mining Garran Arum despite it being a horrible decision with minimum return, or at least that's what it showed on the surface. 
Choo Choo Charles Game

Many of his loyal followers start wearing masks in shape of Charles the monstrous train as if being his loyal servants and subjects worshiping this monstrous entity managing to luck pick the bucks. 

An ancient tablet is found with a giant monstrous spider being surrounded by stick figures holding spears as if trying to kill it. Depicting how entities like Charles must have existed lying before him and this island, possibly thousands of years ago with time trapping these entities on the ground. However, with the rich investor Warren Charles arriving in the island and commencing mining work he possibly opened the seal and let out one of these hostile entities who come.


To be Charles. Reading many letters and talking to many locals, it appears that majority of people thought Eugene would just leave them all behind, going to the mainland to save himself. After bringing the newcomer to deal with their Munster problem.

 Little would they know, however, is that Eugene would indeed come back to the island and would die as a sacrifice to save his people. Another belief of the island locals is that Warren, the minor owner alongside his goons, want to leave Charles b rather than assisting the island locals by killing it, which has given rise to many theories amongst the locals, with some believing Warren wants to take over the world.

Choo Choo Charles Game

 Choo Choo Charles Game Local Said:-

“Already, Warren, the mind boss, is keeping three monster eggs locked away. We're unsure why he wants to protect the eggs. If they hatch, they would surely turn into monstrous creatures like Charles. To prevent this, we need you to steal all three and use them to bait Charles so we can destroy him. One of the eggs is in the north mine. Here's the key to the entrance”.
 Even a little read on how employees who worked for Warren bringing supplies to the island were unsure why he would invest in this island where barely anything worth of excavation exists, especially with the experiences Warren has in mining and making a fortune out of it.
Soon the protagonist comes across someone called Sasha, who tasks him with finding scattered drawings in a hillside, which seems to be haunted by a ghost. Being one of the most terrifying missions.

 Choo Choo Charles Game Sasha:-

Sasha assumes the ghosts are the lost crew members of the island who were possibly killed by Charles, with their souls being trapped in the island, drawing horrifying savagery of Charles, depicting how they were tormented and brutally killed by Charles, causing them to be trapped here to suffer every day. 

If the ghosts get close enough to the protagonist, ghastly and eerie sounds can be heard of people screaming, with the protagonist being kicked somewhere far away. In the map, with the ghost seemingly not wanting to actually harm the archivist, this might be an indication that these tormented souls do not want another victim fall to the demonic child. Hence why they try to push anyone getting too close away.
Choo Choo Charles Game\
Finding a specific drawing does indeed also show how these ghosts wear crew members whose souls became trapped here. The protagonist has been one of the missions, then finally comes across the crazed goons who wear intimidating face masks in the shape of Charles, trying to instill fear in the hearts of anyone that they encounter.

These individuals guard different parts of the map under Warren's orders and wield the shotgun, which they are not afraid to use against intruders. 

It seems that Warren is an experienced gold mining expert who commissioned work here to find gold, but to local surprise, they have never heard of this place being rich in gold. Confused to why he has started work here, sometime later, meeting a character known as Helen. She informs the protagonist that the locals had tried battling Charles many times before, but every time they managed to weaken Charles, he always retreated back to the wilderness to regain his health and recover before attacking again. She reveals that there are three unique eggs with shells hardened and diamonds gathered around the island in three primary mines, eggs that are guarded by the armed goons of Warren, which Eugene told him about in the very beginning.
Helen further explains placing these eggs in the central temple of the island will possibly provoke Charles into a mortal battle where he wouldn't run into the wilderness again and would fight to death.

Choo Choo Charles Game


Charles is somehow connected to these eggs, and placing them in the central temple will somehow send some sort of a signal that will lure Charles into the temple. Finding a letter written by Eugene in the southern mine. It reads how he was the team supervisor who soon come across a cavern which seems to have been an ancient place with strange things in it. Eugene, being the excavation team supervisor, came across these strange things and informed about them. But it seems that Warren just wanted to hide the fact and continue on with his work. Later in the game, we learned that the strange things within this cavern were indications and traces of monstrous joint spiders existing since as long as known history, who were sealed away due to recession of earth or caves closing in. Warren Charles, who founded the Charles Mining Company, seemingly knew of the phenomenon taking place in the island and sway. He commissioned the very risky mining operation to find the source of it all, stumbling upon something he could have never imagined.


Choo Choo Charles Game

One of the characters the protagonist meets has been theorizing on a possible reason warren has commissioned the works here and why he's protecting the eggs. 

He believes that Warren found hundreds of more eggs just like the three scattered, which he ordered the miners to use in the central temple prism to extract the energy from. Just before the miners could extract the energy from all the eggs, he stopped them, telling them to leave the last three. This individual named Greg has a theory that Warren possibly wants.

 Choo Choo Charles Game Character Paul:-

Choo Choo Charles Game

Final the protectors meet Paul Engene Sons who decide to stay in the island and join the fight to destroy Charles. Paul after hearing the story of his dad how his dad is the hero who is near to defeat Charles .

Paul said to protectors to place the sticky bomb near the wooden bridge can bait Charles and blow it up by killing it .

After putting sticky bomb to strait away head towards the temple where all the strivers eggs were been and he acquired.

Just About protagonist placed these Eggs The Investors of miner came and his Protector pointer the guns toward these eggs and order to stop placing these eggs inside the prism then the end of the .

Then protagonist placed last egg then Charles become more powerful killed the miner and his protectors with the last final intense battle the Charles was killed by sticky bomb while following the Paul .
That’s the Ends
Choo Choo Charles Game

About Choo Choo Charles Game


Two Star Games


Two Star Games


Unreal Engine


Microsoft Windows


December 9, 2022


Horror, adventure


  • Single-player